Anyway, I needed storage for an extra set of tires for the Hoodlum car, and floor space is at a premium in my shop/office.
So I used part of my rainy holiday on Monday building and mounting this adjustable tire rack on an unused bit of wall.
I had the wood and the pipe, so the only bits I had to buy were the lag bolts to attach it to the wall studs, heavy hooks to support it from the ceiling joists, and steel straps that connect the arms to the hooks.
There are no plans for wall-mounted adjustable tire racks in The Portable Dad, but the chapter on hardware stores does come into play when trying to make something like this. I had the frame built yesterday and knew the arms needed strong support, but I didn't know what that was going to look like - cable, chain or something else - until I wandered around the hardware store looking for the perfect solution. Saw the steel straps and knew that was the ticket.
I'll paint it white to match the walls and nearby shelves, and move on to the next thing!
Is that for 4 tires? Wow! That's pretty strong.
ReplyDeleteFour tires and wheels. And my napping couch is under it, so you better believe I built it strong!